Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Gifts

I didn't have time to make holiday cookies like I did last year. So, I decided to make and send drink mixes in mason jars to my friends and family. I ended up making at least 15 jars of Mexican Cocoa, Peppermint Stick Cocoa, Mocha Hot Cocoa and Orange Creamsicle.

I also made Peppermint Marshmallow Sticks:

You would be AMAZED at how simple and easy these were to make. Just melt chocolate chips in the microwave (for 30 seconds, stir, 30 seconds, stir - until completely melted). Then dip marshmallows in melted chocolate and then in crushed peppermints.

This isn't food related, but I'm really proud of myself because I MADE ALL THIS for all the babies born in 2011/late 2010. Thanks to Chez Beeper Bebe for the tutorials! What's extra cool about the bunnies is that they were re-purposed from old t-shirts (except the polka-dot bunny - I used leftover fabric from E's dress). Cool, right?

for babies M, E, E, and A.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Those baby toys are so adorable! I have so many old t-shirts that are just taking up closet space -- these would be a great upcycle project.

Will have to pick your brain :)