This year, I shelled out the bucks for an organic heritage turkey. It cost 3x more, but we had a pregnant woman in the family and what the pregnant woman wants, she gets. Like in years pass, I followed Alton's Brown no-fail roasted turkey method. It include brining the turkey in salted vegetable stock overnight, roasting at 500 degrees and then 350 until the meat reaches temperature. It's much quicker and juicier than the traditional 6-8hr slow roast.
Same as last year, I used the pomegranate glaze to baste the turkey. It helps the nice color, crispiness and glaze of the turkey.
After sitting in the brine overnight, the turkey rinsed and dried:
The herb rub and aromatics (I stuff the turkey with the aromatics along with a bunch of sage and rosemary):
The herb-rubbed turkey:
After 30 minutes:
As you can see, the turkey is nice and brown. After lowering the heat, I removed the foil to cook the breast to temperature:
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